Mission Statement
The Timothy Baptist Church Music Ministry's mission is to share the Love of Jesus Christ by using various styles of musical arrangements. We will use God centered music to help prepare and focus all listening hearts, spirits, and minds on Jesus Christ. We will also use music to inspire, encourage, and challenge all who hear, to deepen their awareness of God’s awesome and holy nature. |
Feeding the Less Fortunate
The Music Ministry in our mission to evangelize have decided to feed the less fortunate/homeless at Boston Medical Center on Saturday, August 27th around lunch time. We know we can't reach them all but we will do our part in evangelism.

Gospel Chorus
Ministry Name:
Gospel Chorus
Ministry Leader(s):
Bro. James Dumas, President
Sis. Donna Dixon, Vice President
Sis. Giselle Vann, Secretary
Leader Responsibilities:
Be true to God and the ministry in singing His praises.
Ministry Mission Statement:
Praise God in song and with a heart of true adoration and worship for who He is.
Ministry Purpose and Responsibilities:
To render music selections in all church services and when requested by Pastor Green to accompany him to various church engagements.
Ministry Events/Activities:
The Gospel Chorus hosts its own Annual Day and sings selections for the church's Founder's Day and Homecoming (Church Anniversary) services.
Ministry Members:
Sis. Gloria Blake, Sis. Renee Dixon, Bro. James Dumas Sr., Sis. Betty Edwards, Bro. Larry Green Jr., Sis. Alberta Guess, Sis. Rosa Hubert, Sis. Jean Hill, Sis. Edna Jackson, Sis. Diana Strother, Sis. LeeAnna Talbert, Sis. Giselle Vann
Requirements for Membership:
Interested members should be highly motivated and lifting up the name of Jesus.
How Do I Become A Member?:
Interested members should come to rehearsal and speak to the President, Vice President and/or Choir Directress.
How Often and When Does the Ministry Meet?
This ministry meets the first, third and fourth Tuesday's at 7:30 p.m.
Ministry Leader(s) Contact Information:
Bro. Dumas: (617) 288-7466 (h) (617) 694-7184 (c)
Sis. Dixon: (617) 318-8493
Sis. Vann: (857) 237-1576

Mass Choir
Ministry Name:
Mass Choir
Ministry Leader(s):
Bro. Larry Green Jr., Sis. Phyllis Monteiro
Leader Responsibilities:
Larry Green Jr., Musician/Musical Instructor
Phyllis Monteiro, President/Director
Ministry Purpose and Responsibilities:
Our purpose and responsibility is to minister in song to the congregation by ushering in the spirit of worship and praise to glorify God. We honor our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ by singing melodious tunes which we pray are a sweet savor to His ears.
Requirements for Membership:
Individual must be a TBC member
How Do I Become A Member?:
If you are interested in becoming a member, contact Sis. Phyllis Monteiro at
How Often and When Does the Ministry Meet?
The Mass Choir meets on the second Saturday of each month from 3-5 p.m. We also have the 3rd Saturday of the month at 10am for rehearsals depending on the choirs engagement schedule.
Ministry Leader(s) Contact Information:,
Ministry Events/Activities:
The Mass Choir ministers in song each 2nd Sunday of the month. We are also the 'special occasion' choir so we minister in song for the following engagements: The Pastor's Anniversary, Resurrection Sunday (Easter), Founder's Day, Homecoming (Church Anniversary), Men & Women's Day (Great Day of Giving) and Watch Night (New Year's Eve) services. Also, the Mass Choir goes out with Pastor Green when he is the guest speaker at other church services and has requested their accompaniment.